A New Contract / Chozeh Chadash
Mailing Checks:
America-Israel Democracy Coalition
543 Foxglove Lane
Wynnewood, PA 19096
Please indicate the purpose of the donation in the memo of the check.
For electronic direct payments, make payments as follows:
America-Israel Democracy Coalition
Bank of America
Routing ACH: 031202084 / Wire: 026009593
Account 3830 2681 7949
For electronic payments, please send an e-mail to info@aid-coalition.org with the donation information in order to track the donation upon its posting.
Donations are made to the AID Coalition (aka America-Israel Democracy Coalition).
For Donations via DAF's (Donor Advisory Funds) please consult with your DAF advisor. Many DAFs send donations directly via check or electronic fund transfer (wire or ACH).
Contact us at info@aid-coalition.org for any inquiries or questions
AID Coalition is a U.S. based, non-partisan, non-affiliated, 501(c)(3) approved organization (EIN 93-1616002), dedicated to educating, strengthening, and preserving the democratic foundations of the State of Israel. Donations are exempt under IRS Code, Section U.S. 501 (c)(3). After receiving the donations, tax confirmation letters will be sent to the email used when making the donation.
If making a direct payment, please send us an email to info@aid-coalition.org for us to confirm and return your confirmation letter.
A New Contract is a liberal movement which purpose is to ensure the fair and equitable distribution and allocation of services to all the citizens of Israel, focusing its efforts of impact upon local government authorities. Distribution centers function as local agents of the Civil Support Group (חמ'ל אזרחי), providing transportation support, access to medication, babysitter services.
A New Contract is working to reestablish the social contract between the state and the people