Iron Showers

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America-Israel Democracy Coalition
543 Foxglove Lane
Wynnewood, PA 19096
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America-Israel Democracy Coalition
Bank of America
Routing ACH: 031202084 / Wire: 026009593
Account 3830 2681 7949
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Donations are made to the AID Coalition (aka America-Israel Democracy Coalition).
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AID Coalition is a U.S. based, non-partisan, non-affiliated, 501(c)(3) approved organization (EIN 93-1616002), dedicated to educating, strengthening, and preserving the democratic foundations of the State of Israel. Donations are exempt under IRS Code, Section U.S. 501 (c)(3). After receiving the donations, tax confirmation letters will be sent to the email used when making the donation.
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For those impacted by the events of Oct 6, displaced families, soldiers, a regular, warm shower is something to strive for. Personal hygiene is not necessarily a priority, yet taking a periodic shower helps recover from fatigue, avoid bacterial infection, and improve morale and effectiveness.
Enter this gap Iron Showers -- a group of civilians who came together to create portable showers and chemical restrooms, available to be used in any location, at any condition.
Each completely self-contained unit includes 4-6 shower stalls, water containers, a pump and water heater. Hyper efficient showerheads, typically used in RV’s, allow for 200 individuals showers at full water tank capacity.
Iron Showers provides soap, towels, and other cleaning supplies for a complete cleansing experience. The entire platform is modular, allowing for ease of maintenance.
To date, 20 hygiene platforms have been manufactured, with urgent requests to rapidly build an additional 20 platforms. Our goal is to fund the parts needed for these platforms.
All construction labor is done by volunteers, at no cost for labor, storage, power, or tools. Each platform requires $6,500 of parts and can be built within three days.